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Youth Services

At Risk Youth

Alcohol, other drugs, tobacco, violence, and unsafe behavioral practices are common everyday occurrences in today’s youth. The relationship of delinquency and alcohol/other drug use, attitudes and behavior are complex. These are major concerns for schools and communities, as well as our nations’ overall well being among the youth of this generation. While a relatively small number of juveniles commit crimes, a number of these individuals become chronic recidivists who are responsible for a large proportion of juvenile crime. These youth often have serious problems indicative of an “at-risk” juvenile (i.e., failure in school, family problems, substance abuse, pattern behaviors, conduct problems, and gang affiliation). Early intervention is an effective strategy for changing behaviors, thus changing outcomes for these otherwise troubled teens. It is important that at-risk juveniles, in particular, those experiencing problems with juvenile crime, have access to services that “enrich” their lives and help mitigate the risk factors of juvenile crime.

Enrichment Services

IVRS provides enrichment services to youth aged 11 through 25 years old through its National Curriculum and Training Institute (NCTI) Crossroads education program. These services include Drug and alcohol counseling, Anger management, Shoplifting, and Truancy. Services are designed to alleviate negative behaviors and address the complex needs of this population. Many are trauma exposed, in stressed families, at risk of school failure, or are involved with the juvenile justice system.


Aftercare groups take place weekly and are designed to help clients address issues arising from family and other personal relations, legal issues, and school and/or employment. In addition, IVRS introduces clients’ to the young people's 12-Step fellowships of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA); and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) through meetings, events in the community and sponsorship. A solid 12-step foundation is key for continued success at sobriety.

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